PHP Business Meeting 2022

July 9th, 2022

Scribe: Rachel


Welcome from President Ellen:

-We had a wonderful week of food and fun. Thank you all for that

-Treasury report is in print on yellow paper and website, therefore not discussing today.

-Thank our boat drivers! Chad, Richard, Mac, Elise, Dick  etc.

-Thank you head cooks. We were using food efficiently and used what was leftover nicely.


Cook day volunteers:

Parks, Rachel , Jack for Tuesday

Katie – Thursday

Karli- Wednesday Thursday or Friday

Nathan & Trevor- Monday


Cook day committee:

David (head) Margaret, Elizabeth, Katie


Other committees:

Thank you Callie for talent show

Thank you Mac. Dick and Richard for sing along

Thank you Mac, Dick and Elise for auction

              Ellen- we need to charge admission because Mac is so entertaining.


Volunteers for 2023:

Talent show- Parks

Youth- Addie and Laura bath

Volleyball- Addie and Laura Beth

FYI – Past and future volunteers are now included on the Correspondence page of the porter website.


Rec Committee:

Thank you to rec committee, a very lively eventful week we’ve had.

Volunteers: Katie, Trevor, Sen, Parks, Callie


Sysco & Sunday crew:

-Mac- Sunday crew same as every year, now JoRuth is retired. Chad and Des have volunteered to take the other half of Sunday (getting supplies, getting things prepped, meat, and cleanup)

-Thank you Kevin for Sysco – Mary Margaret to take over starting 2023.


Camp Cleanup:

Please return furniture to its place, take trash, check fridge, etc. Keep our reputation stellar. Lodge room key turned in at DH. Leave rooms unlocked. Lost and found will be on the stage.


Next year (2023):

We’ve been told end of season this year, they are breaking ground on new building replacing Kirkland with 8 rooms (dorm setups with shared bath, each room will have two beds) Still a lot of unknowns as we are waiting on floorplan. One of those rooms will be designated as managers suite. Hopefully ready by next summer.

Cabins will be gone, and 6 new dorms will be built, therefore everyone should have air-conditioned sleeping spaces. Unknown how we can best utilize that space.

We will communicate when we know more on housing

David to manage requests and handle space most efficiently as a group



-Dexter team is golf champions this year

-David and Walker got cornhole champion

-Nathan was cornhole singles champ

-Fishing wins were Porter Beier and Auburn A.


Trivia game by Linda and Ferrell

-expect an email once finalized

-should be going on website when it’s finished



Over last 25 years, our average attendance is 68% (cumulative average)

-we hope to keep that number strong moving forward

-total family number was 237 last count

-attendance this year was 140 with 11 guests. 129/237 is our % this year. 129 porters came to PHP 2022


Graveyard cleanup:

Still shooting for early part of the year for 2023

Thank you Bart and Kristen for picking up the fence

Thank you Glen and Leslie for their continual help maintaining the grounds


Farm trip:

Rob- obviously no farm trip this year. Maybe next year we take short trip to graveyard do watermelon and activities, and drive over bridge and back for some troll.

Linda- aunt Ruybe memorial placed in graveyard because she is buried at another graveyard.

Dick- Tatum handmade crosses made $400, record breaking contribution to the auction.

Parks- I have noticed that people are coming and missing their cook days and/or missing purposefully. Others are picking up the slack, can we offer a set price to those who don’t want to do their cook day? Can we somehow get money for PHP from those who aren’t working? They should have to donate if they didn’t come in. The information is on the website well in advance, so people should be communicating if they cannot be here.

Ellen-Definitely an ongoing problem, but we need to encourage that communication to shuffle those days to better fit the needs.

Dick-Head cooks can contact their team prior to PHP to coordinate and ensure participation

Tina -If you are swapping, make it an even switch with someone who can be there

Ellen- If switching one should get approval of both head cooks, be respectful

Melissa- head cooks gather on Sunday night and go thru all attendance and familial knowledge and be done with it for the week.

Nathan- This year we failed to let Anna know they were switched, and we didn’t say anything. We should have been more direct rather than seeing her but not saying anything.

Ellen- We just need to communicate; the lack of participation/communication is non-intentional. Cook day committee with meet tonight to discuss further and plans for 2023



Dick- nicest change was the salad bar, great addition.


Mac- Final figure on auction?

-2022 was $2,671

-2019 was $3,800


Tina- Guest prices are lower than us, it should be higher.

              Ellen- Rates are set by president committee

Kevin- Maybe a family discount so we can raise all our rates but give family members the discount, excluding guests.


Paul- Family picture? Should be scheduled prior so everyone is aware

              Ellen- Thursday or Friday

Trevor- Can we implement a cleaning fee for those who leave without cleaning their living spaces

              Ellen- Everything is pretty clean this year. We aren’t planning to implement this year.

Katie- per my experience, more people complained when we made a fee or would just rather pay the money and still not clean.


Julie- Something to think about. Camp fees went up 10% this year, might go up again. Is there a way, how can we raise some money to decrease prices, not lodging but the camp and food cost? Is there a way we can raise money so everyone can get the discount? Our idea is to include an “In lieu of flowers.. “ and write PHP as the cause. 

Susan- I round up on my bill as my donation

Ellen- it’s a gift in memory not a charitable donation.

Tina- are we still getting money from amazon?

                             David- No amazon cut us off a couple years ago, we made a lot in 10 years, but they figured us out.


Dick- carpet ball! We would like to have someone pick it up on Sunday with a truck and take it back. Chad helped this year; Susan is storing it during the year. But we need coordination to get the carpet ball here next year.

Dexter- does PHP have a checking balance or saving balance?

Wendy- Ballpark is 25,000, includes prepaid for lodge rooms


Ellen-  The camp charges is 4200 per day to be here. It’s the only place on the lake that can hold us. We need to be good stewards of this place. We always want to be welcomed back. I fully anticipate the price will go up next year. We pay for exclusivity.

Dick- when you talk to FFA, Kacy was fabulous.

              Ellen- Yes! We do plan to sing her praises, she was great!