Child Safety Guidelines

A new precaution has been added this year to avoid night-time injuries.

No bikes, scooters, etc
before 7:30am or after 9:30pm

The original child safety guidelines follow…..

As Joanne pointed out at the 2002 business meeting, we need to adopt some child safety rules so we continue to have a safe reunion every year.  Please review the following compiled by Tina and approved by the volunteer committee of Richard, Ellen, Tina and David.

1. Please refrain from bringing out any bikes, scooters, or mobile toys until Monday. 

2. After unloading vehicles,  park next to fence beside basketball court.

3. A sign is posted as a reminder to anyone entering FFA Camp that children are at play at all times and speed limit 3 mph.

4. Each parent should discuss the rules with their children on safety and/or have a list of rules posted.

        A. Youngest child has right-a-way.

        B. When entering a congested area, slow speed and exercise extreme caution.

        C. Watch for cars, trucks, etc.

        D. When not riding bike, scooter, etc., pull to grassy area out of road or walkway.

        E. Do not block walkways or doors.

        F. No bikes past softball field towards main road.

        G. Absolutely no bikes, scooters, or mobile toys on the pier.

5. Only seniors in counselor (Kirkland) cottage allowed to park near their house.

6. Those unloading groceries must pull to back of canteen, unload and then return vehicle to fence area.

7. Seniors staying off premises arriving for Porter activities may pull to appropriate buildings cautiously and park outside that building as long as needed.