Business Meeting 2015



The Business Meeting was held Saturday, July 18th, 2015


Current Committee members

President – Mimi

Vice President - Chad

Secretary – David Artz

Treasurer – Wendy



Treasurers report

Congrats to everyone making the auction a success.  Total was over $2300.

We have already oversold the lodge & kirkland, details to follow.

The final treasurer’s report will be stored on the website in December.



-- Boaters and drivers (Mac, Dick, Chad, Elise, Rob, Jan, John, Benji, Bart)

-- Farm Trip (Glenn, Margaret, Leslie, Janet)

-- Kevin Z for bringing his huge grill and cooking supplies, was very useful every day



Volunteers for 2016

Cookday Committee– David, Brenda, Margaret,

Head Cooks   JillB, Dana, Karli, Ellen



THANKS for this years VOLUNTEERS!

Next year volunteer

Talent Show


Melissa, Karli

Recreation Committee

Sara, Tina

Sara, Tina, Melissa



Mimi stores it, Richard runs it

Fishing Tournament


MikeR , Kevin , Rodney


Rachel, Courtney

Rachel, Courtney

Dorm Committee

Tina, Mimi, Vicki, Julie

Tina, Mimi, Vicki, Julie

Sunday Cookday

MacP, Elise, MikeP, JoRuth

MacP, Elise, MikeP, JoRuth











MacP, Dick, Marianne

MacP, Dick, Marianne

Sysco Food Order



Lip Sync show



Safety Committee

Richard, David, Tina, Ellen

Richard, David, Tina, Ellen

Youth Committee

Trevor, Mona, Rachel, Nathan, Cameron

Trevor, Mona, Rachel, Nathan, Cameron






This was the third year we ordered food and supplies thru Sysco.

Mac and Dick met the order at FFA center on Friday before the House Party.

KevinZ is the main contact for this starting this year (Dick coordinated the first 2 years).

KevinZ Will email and post info about quantities needed.  We are still fine tuning our system.

Mimi – do we need to bring coffee makers?

Mac – should be able to borrow from the caterer in the future.

Mac - Flat cooking pans sheets are still needed



Cookday costs

These will be only listed in treasurers report from now on.




Pier was cleaned up around 5pm today.  Great job.  Need to leave the campground cleaner than we found it. 

Everything back where it was.  Please check the cabins if your kids have been playing with them. 

We need to put away tables and sweep the eating hall immediately after the Business Meeting.

Sunday crew will cook in the am, then clean up and mop, and pack cooking stuff.

Lost and found should be put on ping pong tables outside.

Lodge room keys should be left in the box upstairs in the common area.


July 4th

Mimi – FFA gave us July 4th week for 2016.

Jan – The amount of boats on the lake July 4th could be dangerous, especially for tubers that fall off.

Mac – Usually no worse than a normal Saturday.

Mimi - Play it by ear if it looks safe we can run boats.


AGAIN, there are NO FIREWORKS allowed in NCFFA Center.

Several location around the lake provide really nice fireworks shows.

Plan for several shows around 9pm next year on July 4th



Dues increase

David – due to several factors, our income is not meeting our needs

We estimate we need a 10% rate increase next year to meet costs.

Another option is to only rent the campground for 6 days instead of 7.

This would save $3650 on the rental and approx. $600 food.


MaryMo – can we set a strict Budget food costs, any excess would not be covered by PHP?

Discussion on that, mostly said the above would difficult, especially with sysco costs being allocated.

Katie – Ongoing discussion on revenue generating.

Dexter – Motions - Raising dues 10% , no dropping a day.  PaulP seconds

Motion passed (23 approved, 0 opposed)





Rob pressure washed all the stones and built a bench near Austins grave.

Mac- 1st part of march is best for graveyard cleanup

Marianne - Azaleas are in full bloom in april, looks great.  Interest in planting more than the 8 that are there.

Best time to plant is in the fall.  Hugh can get 5gal azaleas for $15.

Elise – we can contribute azaleas in family name

Marianne – see Elise or Marianne if interested in donating.

Paul P – will volunteer to water if planted where tractor can get to it.



Misc Notes

Golf Tourney results – 8 under Dick Rodney PaulP Rob Connor

Cornhole Tourney results – Kent & Zach 1st place


Linda – Historical society has deteriorating flat roof in the fellowship hall.

Looking for help/funding in fixing the leaking roof.


Tina – Is there a budget for recreation?

Melissa – 75th anniversary games were requested by the group, Tina was on that committee and dedicated her time and resources to make sure we had lots of games ready.

Dick – propose reimburse Tina – motion passes.

Mac – if anyone wants to buy something for the PHP, please email executive committee and get approval first.


Mac – Lip Synch was great, hope that we continue.

Marianne – PHP facebook , feel free to post your pictures.

Chad – link to GoPro video will be posted


Richard – golf teams ended at 8, 7, and 6 under, congrats Mac to making very fairly matched teams.



Amazon income

Since the last HP we made $ 237.37 on commissions thru Amazon.

The Multi-year total since 2009 is $2,615.68


PHP makes between 4-6% on every sale made thru the Amazon links on


David – Thanks for taking the extra time to make purchases thru these links.  To be clear….. you pay the same amount at Amazon if you go thru PHP links or not.  However, if you use the links, we earn up to 6% on your purchase.  



2015 Attendance: 140 total out of 221 Porters