Below email correspondence sent March 5, 2015


Hello Porter's!


The lodge assignments are on the website for this year.  Houseparty will be July 12-18th and this is our 75th Anniversary!!!  Be thinking of ways to celebrate and let me know your ideas.


The FFA had informed me again that there was a good chance that they would no longer be able to rent to us, BUT, they changed their camp dates around and will hold the week of the 4th of July for us to continue having Houseparty at the FFA!!  They need our usual weeks to be filled with campers and were having to turn away campers.  2016 PHP is reserved for July 3-10th!!  Hooray!


Hope everyone is staying warm.


Love to all of you,




In a message dated 2/21/2015 8:57:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, idavidartz@gmail.comwrites:

Good evening Porters!


2015 PHP dates are on website, it starts July 12

Cookdays and lodge rooms will be posted next week


See you soon!




Below is a reminder from Melissa 






Dear "Talented" Porter Family,


It's that time of the year again! The time to start working on your talent for the upcoming Porter House Party! Now, I know you are probably thinking, "I don't have a talent! I'll just let Mona and the cute little kids takeover as usual," but you're wrong. You're a Porter, and by golly, you have talent! Whether it's singing, dancing, acting, juggling, or anything that's entertaining, bring it on!


The Porter House Party Talent Show is a Porter family tradition. Over the years, there have been many talents that are still talked about today. Who can forget Marianne and Vicki's "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman" performance, Susan's belly dancing show, or John's unicycle act!? You too can come up with a talent that Porters will remember for the rest of their lives.


Let's make PHP Talent Show 2015 the best it's ever been!


-Melissa Wood