2016 PHP Treasurers Report
Opening Balance   $    6,473.27
 Ending Balance    $  16,057.00
 Gain for the Year   $    9,583.73  
    Credit Debit
Opening Balance    $           6,473.27  $                  -  
Rental Deposit  $                     -    $       (3,650.00)
  Balance  $                     -    $     (21,900.00)
  Tax  $                     -    $       (1,745.98)
Auction Friday  $           2,562.00  
Dues adult  $          20,665.00  $                  -   Breakdown of cook day costs
  child  $           3,535.00  $                  -   Food bought by Food bought 
  guest  $              640.00  $                  -   Kevin (SYSCO) by head cook
Groceries Sunday (Mac Elise Mike JoRuth)  $                     -    $          (527.42)  $       (374.02)  $     (153.40)
  Monday (Jill & Mike)  $                     -    $          (752.74)  $       (314.32)  $     (438.42)
  Tuesday (Kevin & Karli)  $                     -    $          (568.11)  $       (314.32)  $     (253.79)
  Wednesday (Kelly & Dana)  $                     -    $          (586.99)  $       (314.32)  $     (272.67)
  Thursday (John & Ellen)  $                     -    $          (671.94)  $       (314.32)  $     (357.62)
  Friday (Megan, Kevin, Mary-Mo)  $                     -    $          (488.21)  $       (314.32)  $     (173.89)
  Saturday (Christy & Scott)  $                     -    $          (461.08)  $       (314.32)  $     (146.76)
Income Amazon  $              237.27  $                  -    $     (2,259.94)  $  (1,796.55)
  Borrow from Dick  $           1,200.00  $                  -  
Lodge prepay  $          13,325.00  $                  -  
  current  $              375.00  $                  -  
Misc Credit for Prepaid Lodge  $                     -    $          (975.00)
  Credit for partial payment  $                     -    $       (1,200.00)
  Donation  $              828.68  $                  -  
  Gas for Boats  $                     -    $          (256.75)
Grand Total    $          49,841.22  $     (33,784.22)
Ending Balance  $         16,057.00
This report approved by Wendy Folsom, PHP Treasurer starting 2008.