----------From the desk of PHP President Ellen                                      Emailed Jan 17, 2022

Hi Porters,

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope you all have had a great start to this year and that 2022 is the year we wake up from the covid nightmare.  It's been too long since we've had a Porter HouseParty.   Who's ready?

NCFFA has assigned us the following week

July 3-July 10 2022

 Last year we did not even get assigned a week so this is progress. 

In the event the camp has to close again this year, we will let everyone know asap.

One change in this year’s contract is we will not have use of the Kirkland cottage.   If you had planned to stay in Kirkland please let David know your preference.  Other than this change, everything else is open for our use as of now.  

I know my family is anxious to get back to White Lake and most importantly all of your smiling faces. Fingers Crossed this is the year we “restart” our wonderful family tradition that we all love and cherish. 

In Houseparty Spirit!


Graveyard spruce up date to be determined and we will let you know when that is scheduled.