There is no smoking in any FFA center building. 
Image result for no smoking sign,Image result for no smoking sign
These are the PRELIMINARY assignments for 2022
Lodge Assignments
Kirkland is not available to us for 2022
Dorm Assignments
What could cause these assignments to change?
If someone is expecting to have another child before August
if someone with a room decides not to attend to the PHP
If an accounting error was made and a lodge room assignment was missed
If people agree to swap rooms
What are the penalties if I smoke in the room?
If smoke damage has occurred, you will be fined 1 week of rental for that room according to the NCFFA online price.
In addition you will not be able to rent a room the following year.
Please discuss with exec committee if you do not see how smoke damage jeopardizes being able to rent this facility.
Can I reserve a lodge room under my name but not be the primary user?
As our family continues to grow so does the demand for the lodge rooms.
Please do not reserve a lodge room with the intent of letting someone else use it instead.
When and what changed with the priority of the assignment of rooms?
At the 2011 Business Meeting…
The order of lodge, kirkland and dorm choosing was changed to the following
For those that have prepaid by September 1st of the prior year….
         1st group to choose - Porters 60 or older, oldest chooses first.
2nd group to choose - Porters with child under 3, youngest child chooses first
3rd group to choose - Porters younger than 60, oldest chooses first.
(Also NOTE that the big lodge room is “reserved” for the porter with 
    The most young children staying in their room if they want it)
I prefer to move from Kirkland to the lodge or vice versa, what should I do?
email david if that option becomes available it will happen
I will not need my room, what should I do?
email david and the room will be reassigned in priority
I have reviewed the dorm options on the website and am interested , what do I do?
email david and indicate your preference by May 1st
I prepaid but did not get a room.  Will I get credit?
Yes, You will be credited your unused prepay amount when paying your next PHP bill.
Who is on the waiting list?
Anyone listed with red font below is currently on the waiting list
Pre Group - Have the most young children and want the big room
name Prepay amount lodge kirkland dorm
Kory & Elizabeth 600 big     1
Group 1 - Retirees sorted by age
name Prepay amount lodge kirkland dorm count preference
Louis Porter $425 (2018 cred) 2     2 dowstairs front
Paul Porter         3 5
Faye Garber        
Linda Robins $200 6     4 downstairs
Jo Ruth Porter        
Dick Porter $425 12     5 12
Joanne Hardee $425 3     6 3
Mary Mottl         7 1 or 4
Glenn Porter        
Mac Porter        
Janet Zaring $425 4     8 4
Ferrell Ard Jr $425 13     9
George Jones $425 7     10 downstairs
Sandra Allen        
Sandra Fisher $425 14     11
Jim Henry        
Lisa Nusbickel        
Kelly Porter $325 19     12 downstairs
Tommy Absher        
Vicki Little        
Benji Porter $425 8     13 upstairs lakeside
Toni Nicalek        
Jill Bruce $425 (2018 cred) 10     14 upstairs lakeside
Kent Porter        
Group 2 - Have children under 3 at the HouseParty
name Prepay amount lodge kirkland dorm
Katie $425       15
Group 3 - Non-Retirees sorted by age
name Prepay amount lodge kirkland dorm
Marty Garber        
Susan Henry        
Barbara Jill A        
Jan Brown         16
Joy Noah        
John Jones        
Bart Porter $425 9     17 upstairs lakeside
Tina Bailey       1
Ellen Edmunds $425 15     18
Rick Porter        
Bill Porter        
Natalie Robins        
Porter Hardee         19
David Artz $425 X     20
Christy Mitchell $425 X     21
Wendy Folsom $425 X     22
Richard Porter         prefer lodge
Margaret Burke $425 X     23 prefer lodge
Paige Mileski        
Dexter Zaring, Jr.        
Julie Ross $425 X     24 prefer lodge
Neissy Kemp $425 X     25 prefer lodge
Melissa Wood $425 X     26 prefer lodge
John Robins        
David Zaring        
Elise Porter        
Troy Jones        
Heather Manypenny        
Megan Porter $425 X     27
Jerry Little       2
Mimi Zeigler $425 X     28
Chad Porter        
Tara Matthew        
Elizabeth Bryant $425       30
Daniel Robins        
Carrie Leffingwell        
Shannon Little       2
Robin Willis        
Katie Boykin        
Karli Beier $425       30 not dorm
Kim Thiemann        2
Rob Absher $425       31
Emily Fisher        
Zach Allen        
Preston Porter        
Kelly Garber        
Tres Briggs        
Jamie Porter        
Hugh Absher        
David Garber        
Justin Briggs        
Andrew Henry        
Leslie Porter        
Caroline Porter        
Heather Briggs        
Hunter Briggs        
Dylan Robeson        
Alex Porter        
Anna Henry        
Trevor Artz        
Mona Bailey        
Ashley Robins        
Cameron Wood        
Kevin Artz        
Land Folsom        
Sara Brown        
Bladen Porter        
Maggie Mae Smith        
Nathan Ross        
Rachel Artz        
Courtney Wood